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Can fix / adjust work changes if requested.
I will not draw / animate anything that goes against Canadian law.
All original works you commissioned from me are made for your personal and / or commercial use.
Once the work is finished, I won't be accepting change requests for said work, unless they are small changes.
If you ask / pay for a piece containing adult content, you must be at least 18.
Send me an email under CONTACT titled "Commission".
If you were linked here from Twitter, Buzzly, or any other website I am on, feel free to send me a comment or note asking for a commision if you don't want to email me.
Describe what type of commission you want as shown below:
Style / Type = Chibi, Bust Shot, Half Body, Full Body.
Details = Character(s), Pose, Theme, Extras, etc.
Reference = To give me an idea on how you want the picture to look.
Payments = Only via PayPal. Payments are made before I start on the commission. No Refunds once commission is halfway complete.


Price: $150 for short
( I will only do short animations )

$70 = Full Body Character.
$50 = Waist up Character.
$40 = Head shot Character.
$30 = LineArt Full Body.
$25 = LineArt Waist up.
$20 = LineArt Head Shot.
$10 = Chibi.
$120 for non simple backgrounds.
Game Design Assets
$50 = Logo Design.
$50 = GUI Layout per Scene.
( Main Menu = $50. Options = another $50, etc.)

I don't normally draw full on backgrounds, but if you require one
here are some examples.
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